'Three-day Masterclass in Protocol' ended today

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Today the professional course 'Three-day Masterclass in Protocol' ended at the Hotelschool The Hague. The course is an initiative of The English Manner and the Protocolbureau and runs in Brussels, London and The Hague.

In three days the best teachers from both institutes teach participants all the basic of protocol and the management of high level events. The course also covers cross cultural management, networking, speech coaching and etiquette. During a three-course dinner the dining etiquette are covered. 

The masterclass is given by former BBC newsreader Diana Mather, the most renowned Portuguese expert on corporate image and protocol Isabel Amaral, former EU-parlement Chief of Protocol François Brunagel, former Master of Ceremonies of Queen Beatrix Gilbert Monod de Froideville, Head of Protocol of the International Criminal Court Bengt-Arne Hulleman and etiquette expert William Hanson.

The next course will be held in The Hague (3/4 December, in Dutch) and Brussels (9/10/11 December, in English). More information (programma, fee) can be found on the website of the Protocolbureau: http://www.protocolbureau.com/masterclass. This masterclass includes all class material, an official certificate and all catering.

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